Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reading week

This week is listed as "Reading Week" in the class schedules. Being new to the whole process of graduate school, I wasn't quite sure what to think about it. After getting more than five hours sleep two nights in a row, I'm starting to see the point. Between work and school, I have been seriously overstressed. I hope to get ahead on my schoolwork later on this week.

I wish I had a better idea of what to do, but I'm just making it up as I go along. I envy those folks who have some support from others.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tough acts to follow

This weeks readings in one of my classes included speeches by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Theodore Parker. The subject matter was interesting, but what struck me most strongly was the incredible skill that these men had with the English language. I found myself being constantly amazed at the power of their writing and I could hear in my mind the overwheleming power that their speeches must have had.

As someone who wants to become a minister, I'm a bit intimidated by the people who I am following in the profession.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Life can be ironic

Later on today I'm headed over to a memorial for an acquaintance who passed away. What I find ironic is that he and I had a disagreement over the importance of ritual in people's lives. He was a slightly evangelical atheist and tended (as most people do) to want others to believe as he does. Nice guy and devoted to his wife, his death was a huge shock to many people, even his wife thought her declining health would cause her to be the first to go.

So I find it ironic that there is going to be a memorial, which is a ritual for the living and that it is going to be held at a church. A Unitarian-Universalist church, which does have a number of atheists as members, but still a church.

I never could convince him that not all ritual is based on religion. Just like not all spirituality is based on religion.

I expect that some people will consider this post to be insensitive, but I'm trying to pay attention to the world. I would not be surprised to run into similar situations once I become an ordained minister. I think that dealing with awkward situations is part of the job.