Monday, April 4, 2011

Stop creating victims

In American society, being a victim can be a very powerful position if applied correctly. Because of this, there are some groups that have been told consistently that they are victims and deserve special treatment or consideration because of it. I certainly believe in helping someone who has suffered a misfortune or injustice, but when someone or a group is constantly in that situtation, there is some underlying cause that needs to be addressed.

This needs to stop. We need to quit teaching people that they can get ahead by blaming others so that we can reserve our compassion and charity for those who truly need it. The ones who just make a habit of being victims need to learn to stand on their own two feet.

I strongly believe in equality of opportunity, but that certainly does not and should not guarantee parity of results.

Why am I writing this now? Well, the minister at the church I go to tends to push the victimization button and it does annoy me. In addition, some of the other students in one of my seminary classes are going on about how certain groups or classes of people have not only been discriminated against in the past (which I do not dispute), but are being strongly discriminated against in today's world. I've heard that story for too long and I have seen too many examples to the contrary to be willing to accept it any more. Not only that, I am really tired of being told that since I am a straight white male, it is all my personal responsibility.

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